Our Team

People. That is the core of who we are and what we provide. It’s our people, our experience, our minds for your land acquisition surface solutions. Get to know us as the people behind your strategy.

Expert Spotlight

Mike Jamieson
Mike Jamieson

Lyndon Domshy, P.Ag

Senior Project Manager

Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you’re donating blood.– Bill Murray

Lyndon Domshy is a distinguished professional in the field of remediation and reclamation within the upstream and midstream oil and gas industry. With a comprehensive background in environmental science, he has consistently demonstrated his expertise and commitment to sustainable environmental practices.

A proud alumnus of the University of Alberta, Lyndon earned his degree in Environmental Science, which laid a robust foundation for his career. His academic achievements, coupled with his designation as a Professional Agrologist (P.Ag.), underscore his knowledge and dedication to the field.

Throughout his career, Lyndon has played a pivotal role in numerous oil and gas projects, focusing on the rehabilitation of degraded environments and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. His strategic approach to remediation and reclamation has significantly contributed to the successful restoration of ecosystems impacted by industrial activities.

Lyndon has shown ability to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies. His leadership and innovative solutions have earned him a reputation as a trusted expert and a proactive advocate for environmental stewardship in the oil and gas sector.

Outside of his professional endeavors, Lyndon enjoys golfing and fly fishing during the summer months, embracing the tranquility and challenge these activities offer.

With a passion for advancing sustainable practices, Lyndon continues to drive impactful initiatives that balance industrial progress with ecological integrity, ensuring a legacy of responsible resource management for future generations.

Brian Bohnet

Regional Field Operations & Senior Project Lead

Well done is better than well said.– Benjamin Franklin

Brian is an accomplished professional with an illustrious career spanning 20 years in the oil and gas sector, bringing unparalleled expertise in land acquisition and project coordination to the forefront. Brian has played a pivotal role in shaping and executing land strategies that align with the dynamic needs of the energy industry. Throughout his career, he has consistently demonstrated a keen understanding of the regulatory landscape, coupled with an exceptional ability to navigate complex land acquisitions associated with oil and gas exploration, development and renewable energy. His visionary leadership has significantly contributed to the success of numerous projects, ensuring seamless coordination between various stakeholders, regulatory bodies, and local communities. As a fellow landowner in the community, Brian has first-hand knowledge of various farming/cattle operations and has developed lasting relationships with local producers and community members.

Jodie Huitt

R/W Land Administrator and Indigenous Consultant

Do. Or do not. There is no try.– Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)

Jodie began her career in the Land Industry in 2003, transitioning from the Forestry Industry to the Government Land Division. There, she completed Oil and Gas industry compliance inspections and gained extensive knowledge about the Land Industry under the guidance of excellent mentors. In 2005, she joined a land brokerage firm, where she conducted site inspections, prepared Environmental Field Reports, facilitated Indigenous consultations, and managed Right of Way Acquisition.

Jodie holds a Bachelor of Applied Forest Management and has been a valuable team member at Evolve for the past five years.

In addition to her professional pursuits, Jodie has a deep passion for crafting and has been actively involved in K9 sports over the past few years. She regularly participates in Mantrailing adventures and competes in the K9 Frisbee Worldwide League.

Geoff Spencer

Lead - GIS

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.– Andrew Carnegie

Geoff’s GIS career started 26 years ago out in the field working for a large midstream oil and gas company on their survey crews for both pipeline construction and cathodic protection. This took him across over 1,500 km of pipeline across 3 provinces. Then becoming a lead for a fact-finding project for the City of Winnipeg, to calculate and analyze open spaces and statistics for Winnipeg’s developed neighborhoods.

After graduating from the University of Winnipeg with degrees in Geography and GIS/Remote Sensing, Geoff joined on with Information Services Corporation (ISC) of Saskatchewan and their big new GIS project, converting all of Saskatchewan’s paper titles into a GIS service for the province. After 3 years and completion of the project, which was no small feat for the team, Geoff then moved to Calgary to further his career by going into GIS emergency management. There he spent the next 14 years refining his map making and database building skills and building out a data warehouse to store GIS data for across Western Canada. Becoming project manager along with the responsibilities of building the GIS team and training. He worked closely with clients to customize products to meet their need for their ERPs and the custom built emergency management software. Helping clients become compliant with the regulators in their operating areas. In 2015 Geoff received his GISP designation as a GIS professional.

In 2018 he joined Evolve to lead them into new realms of GIS usage in everyday operation. This has included daily mapping of projects to assist with land acquisition, building a data warehouse for across Canada and the United States. Building multiple online mapping applications to assist in everyday operations. Having worked both in the field and in the office environments he understands making maps and data useful for both our office and field workers.

Outside of work Geoff enjoys adventures with the family from gaming to traveling, along with getting some snorkeling in.

Anthony Novello

Municipal Affairs Specialist & Lead, HSE

The Greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.– Nelson Mandela

Anthony's career in the right-of-way sector began in 2012, a journey sparked by a need to pivot after a workplace injury. His path led him from graduating at the Olds College Land Agent Program in 2014 to impactful roles at SunAgro Land Services and later at Evolve, where he seamlessly transitioned from transportation to telecommunications. In telecommunications, Anthony quickly established himself as a key player, adept at navigating the complex interplay between municipal requirements, client expectations, and project execution.

In his current role, Anthony excels in fostering collaborative relationships with municipalities and stakeholders, ensuring telecommunications projects align with community standards and regulations. His expertise in regulatory compliance, combined with a strategic approach to public consultation, enables him to effectively communicate project benefits and address concerns, enhancing community engagement and support.

Anthony's work involves a deep understanding of the telecommunications regulatory landscape, including adherence to national standards and guidelines. His ability to synthesize and relay critical information across teams, clients, and municipalities facilitates a cohesive project development process, ensuring all parties are aligned and informed.

Outside the office, Anthony's interests in gardening and culinary arts, particularly homemade pasta making, offer a glimpse into his creative and nurturing personality. His life reflects a balance between professional ambition and personal fulfillment, grounded in cherished moments with his family.

Lilly Morden

Upstream & Crown

To thrive in life you need three bones: a wish bone, a back bone, and a funny bone.– Reba McEntire

With over a decade in the surface land industry, Lilly is an asset in her role as a Lead Administrator. Joining Evolve after a merger, Lilly has been a key member of the Upstream and Power & Renewables divisions, with a specialized focus on Crown acquisitions. Her positive attitude and upbeat personality have seen her thrive as our team continues to grow. As Lead Administrator, Lilly enjoys how each day brings a new challenge and learning opportunity that keeps life interesting.

When she is not working, Lilly enjoys traveling all over the world and chasing after her two kids and puppy which always keep life interesting.

Caitlin Besler


Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.– Julia Child

With her family’s history in oil and gas, Caitlin was bound for a career in the industry. With her mind for legal processes and love for human interaction, the fast-paced environment in the right-of-way industry was the natural fit within energy. Today as a Project Manager, Caitlin is responsible for coordinating the progression of projects between administrators, project coordinators and land agents, while ensuring our legal and regulatory documents and requirements met the highest standards for all clients.

Excited to be part of Evolve’s growth, Caitlin enjoys working on a variety of projects, including supporting start-up companies to mid-size corporations, both within in-house and broker settings, right across Alberta and Saskatchewan. With each experience, she enhances her diverse and creative perspective, helping to improve each project she works on.

A few “little known facts” about Caitlin are that she’s a professional artist, enjoys spending time fly fishing, hiking or camping, and is completely in love with food and good design.